Welcome to No BullShit Radio

You can’t buy anything here, just pages and pages of information for you to set up your radio correctly. If you are in the market to buy a set-up, call, text or email me to discuss your needs. I’m a firm believer of “buy once” and be done with it.

My sole purpose here is to inform you, the driver, on how to get away from the bullshit that has been propagated for decades about CB radio. People who didn’t know, made up shit just to get your hard-earned money. Or they did know, and are fukin thieves.

            I treat your money like it’s my money.

I’ll even guide you elsewhere so that you can get free shipping on antennas, which suck to ship.

            I don’t do this because I have to.  I do it because I love to.

Talk to me once and you’ll be able to tell.  Or you might just think I’m a nut bag.

 In any case you’ll walk away with an education on Rf and Antenna theory with No BullShit.

My goal is to make you a customer for life.

Check out the Radio Info link. I have a ton of CB info there and I knock the hell out of the folklore that has been propagated for far too long. It may even piss somebody off.

All new radios come with a tune, peak and alignment at no extra charge.

Registered dealer with both STRYKER and PRESIDENT.

Serving the Hudson Valley for over 35 years.

Created by OvP

I strive to deliver the most bang for the buck. You work too hard to have your money wasted.

Thank you for visiting.

"To those who fight for it, life has a flavor
the protected never know."
Call or Text