Size Matters

Radio Dimensions and Some Features

When you bought your new truck, chances are it came with a Cobra 29 tucked into the overhead. Not a bad radio but when you want to upgrade, keep in mind there are a couple of sizes to contend with.

The photo shows a Large Frame radio on the bottom where it’s a Connex 3300 HP and measures 8″ x 2.5″ x 10.5″ deep including the heat sink.

The middle radio is a Cobra 29 and is considered a Small Frame radio measuring 7.5″ x 2.5″ x 8.5″.

These two sizes are considered the “standard” size for CBs.

The President line is a different story. With their multiple models and sizes, instead of listing them here, you can check them out at:

Now for years, Connex and Galaxy were considered the “driver’s” radio. It had the power and features that everyone wanted and nobody cared that it was a large frame radio because the bracket was mounted below the overhead. 4 screws, remove the access panel, drill 2 holes and you were in business! With the preformed cutout for a radio now, this isn’t the case and without trimming, you are not mashing a large frame radio into that hole.

Small Frame

Connex 33HPC

Galaxy 86

Galaxy 66 V3


Large Frame



Galaxy 33

Stryker 655

Galaxy 47

Mini Frame






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